Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Plaque Psoriasis Treatments: Latest Advances in Care

Plaque psoriasis, an immune-related disorder originating beneath the surface of the skin, typically presents as red, thickened areas covered with scales. 

Key symptoms include:

  • Altered appearance of the scalp and nails
  • Red, dry, and cracked epidermal layers
  • Sensations of burning
  • Joint discomfort, usually associated with psoriatic arthritis

Approximately half of the adult population with this condition exhibit changes in their nails, and a considerable number display signs on the scalp.

This correlation is significant as psoriatic arthritis frequently co-occurs, with individuals experiencing a heightened risk of its development.

Those with scalp psoriasis are nearly four times as likely, while those with nail psoriasis see their risk increase threefold.

Therapeutic approaches include:

  1. Biologics: These target precise components of the immune system.
  2. Topicals: These consist of creams and ointments for direct application to the affected skin.
  3. Phototherapy: This involves radiation treatment aimed at decelerating the rate of skin cell production.
  4. Oral Medications: Pills taken to alleviate and manage symptoms.

Diet can influence the condition significantly. Keeping a record of food intake can be educational in pinpointing triggers.

Some consumables, such as alcohol, dairy products, citrus fruits, and gluten, have been linked to exacerbation.

Conversely, items with anti-inflammatory benefits, such as olive oil, fatty fish like salmon and sardines, and leafy greens like kale and spinach, may alleviate the symptoms.

Consulting with a dermatology specialist is advised for anyone suspicious of having plaque psoriasis, ensuring an accurate diagnosis and an effective treatment regimen.