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What Does a Neurologist Treat You For

What Does a Neurologist Treat You For?

A neurologist is a doctor of the nervous system. But that’s kind of vague. A lot of people want to know, specifically, what does a neurologist treat you for?

Below we look at some of the most common symptoms, conditions and/or diseases that a neurologist often treats.

What Does a Neurologist Treat You For?

Neurologists specialize in diagnosing and providing treatment for medical conditions in the nervous system.

They provide treatment for ailments in both the Central Nervous System, or CNS, and Peripheral Nervous System, or PNS. This covers some pretty important parts of the body. And there are a number of issues that you may experience. So let’s look at the common ones a neurologist may provide treatment for.


One of the most common things a neurologist treats are headaches. 

Now you may ask why can’t you just go to your primary care doctor? Well, the answer to that, is because your headache may have something to do with your nervous system. 

And, keep in mind we’re not talking about average, occasional, run-of-the-mill headaches here. These are frequent, severe headaches. And ones that can last for a very long time. For example, migraine headaches.

Headaches like these can be due to nervous system issues so seeing a neurologist makes sense. In these cases, the neurologist may prescribe medication or recommend things like counseling, stress management and/or behavioral modifications.


Another common thing that neurologists provide treatment for is dizziness. Dizziness is having difficulty maintaining balance as if you are spinning. This may have something to do with your nervous system.

Usually neurologists will treat dizziness if it is due to vertigo or disequilibrium. Common treatments they will prescribe are medication, therapy and, in rare cases, injections or surgery on the inner ear.

Back and Neck Pain

Another ailment where your neurologist can help you is back and neck pain. An injury to the spine may severely affect your nervous system. 

As you know, the spine is directly connected to the brain and it is a major part of the nervous system. It is the pathway of communication between the brain and the body. 

A neurologist can provide some treatment options for you to try that don’t involve surgery. If it turns out that surgery is necessary, they can refer you to a qualified surgeon.


Numbness and tingling are something that a neurologist also treats. This is because it could mean there may be something wrong with your nerves or neural pathways. 

It can also be a sign of much worse conditions such as stroke.

Whatever the cause, a neurologist can help diagnose the issue and then provide an appropriate course of treatment.

Problems With Movement

Problems in movement may also be something that a neurologist can provide treatment for. Movement problems such as difficulty in walking, tremors and unintentional jerks, and feet shuffling may be a sign that something is wrong with your nervous system. 

Again, your neurologist will first help identify the cause of the issue. Once that happens, they can prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Sensory Loss

Loss or problems with your senses may be something that a neurologist can treat as well. These senses include the sense of touch, vision, smell, or taste. Treatment here will also depend on the cause of the issue.

Alzheimer’s and Dementia

Neurologists also provide care for patients with dementia such as Alzheimer’s disease. They can provide treatment for memory loss. Since there is no cure for these issues, the treatment will focus mainly on slowing the progression of the disease and its effects on the body.

While the above list is not the only things a neurologist will treat patients for, these are the most common.