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Does Cream Of Tartar Help Migraines

Does Cream Of Tartar Help Migraines?

Do you suffer from migraines? If so, you may have heard of seemingly strange ways to help relieve your pressure and pain.

One of the more recent “cures” for migraines you may have heard about on the Internet is cream of tartar. But does cream of tartar help migraines?

Cream of tartar (potassium hydrogen tartrate) is an acidic white powder commonly used to stabilize whipped egg whites. In other words, it helps the beaten whites hold in water and air, allowing them to attain their full volume.

But if this is just a mere ingredient, why do some consider it as a treatment for migraines? 

It’s unclear where the idea of using the cream of tartar as a headache and migraine treatment originated. Still, it’s been floating around on social media for at least a few years.

Today, we will share whether a cream of tartar can help with migraines or if this is another Internet rumor that’s not true. 

Does Cream Of Tartar Help Migraines?

No, cream of tartar does not help with migraines. Several cookbooks express concern that the potassium-rich ingredient may actually cause headaches when consumed in large quantities.

There are several migraine remedies that are both safe and effective. However, cream of tartar is not one of those therapies. A common misconception is that potassium bitartrate is a treatment for migraines or less severe headaches. But where did this confusion come from?

The Sources of Confusion

Recently, a claim about the chemical became popular on the internet. This claim is that cream of tartar can be used to treat migraines and other types of headaches quickly. It seems to have started as a widely shared Facebook post from September 12, 2018. 

Even though the post was not linked with any hospital, medical practitioner, or other professionals who can advise on migraine remedies, it has been shared more than 451,000 times on social media. 

Additionally, a claim made in 2015 suggested that cream of tartar can help reduce the frequency of migraine attacks caused by the consumption of MSG (monosodium glutamine). This is yet another notion that neither science nor investigation has supported this.

In fact, a cream of tartar may be more dangerous to your health. 

Precautions to Consuming Cream of Tartar

One of the dangers of consuming too much cream of tartar is that it contains high levels of potassium. According to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), one teaspoon of cream of tartar contains 495 milligrams (mg) of potassium.

How Much Potassium to Consume

If you’re receiving your potassium from your diet or a multivitamin and you take cream of tartar for headaches, the total amount of potassium you could be getting could be more than you need in a day. 

According to the Office of Dietary Supplements, the Adequate Intakes (AI) for potassium range from 2,600 mg per day for adult women to 3,400 mg per day for adult men. 

Better Options to Help Migraines

To reduce the number of headaches you get and reduce the severity of the symptoms when you do have a migraine, there are better preventive and acute treatments available.

Acetaminophen, aspirin, and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medicines (NSAIDs) are among the most widely recommended over-the-counter medications for treating mild migraine attacks and headaches.

So, do not use cream of tartar against migraines. It will likely only make things worse for you.

Learn more by reading another article in our series on migraine relief.