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How To Treat A Migraine At Home

How To Treat A Migraine At Home

Do you suffer from migraines? If so, you know they are not the same as headaches.

Migraine sufferers often experience nausea, dizziness, fatigue, and increased sensitivity to sounds, lights, or smells. These symptoms can be debilitating. Therefore, knowing how to treat a migraine at home is crucial. 

There are non-pharmaceutical methods that can be effective to treat migraines, or at last minimize their severity and duration. 

So what are these DIY remedies? This article will detail the different methods you can use to treat a migraine, and how they work.

How To Treat A Migraine At Home

Use Hot Or Cold Compress

First, a migraine can be alleviated by applying either heat or ice to the affected area. 

According to the findings of a study conducted in 2013, using a frozen neck wrap at the beginning of a migraine can significantly lower the pain experienced. 

If you have a migraine, try applying a heating pad to your head or neck. This may help relax your muscles, which might help ease the tension causing the migraine.

Buy Over-the-Counter Drugs

There are over-the-counter options that can be helpful to alleviate the discomforts and pain of your migraine. 

Acetaminophen, aspirin, and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medicines (NSAIDs) are among the most widely recommended over-the-counter medications for treating mild migraine attacks and headaches.

These lower inflammation and swelling are often a part of migraines. They are available over-the-counter and do not require a doctor’s prescription. 

You can also get treatments for migraines that contain several different painkillers.

Inhale Essential Oils

Next, essential oils can be used to treat a migraine at home.

It is said that essential oils derived from lavender have the ability to alleviate tension, anxiety, and headaches. 

Claims have been made that inhaling the oil can lower the severity of migraine headaches in certain people. Nevertheless, additional research with more individuals is required to confirm the results.

Essential oils should be used with caution by those with asthma or are pregnant since they present a potential health risk. Before using them, we advise you to consult a medical professional, such as a Neurologist.

Additionally, according to the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health, some evidence suggests that applying peppermint oil topically may be beneficial for tension headaches.

Consume Caffeine

This may come as a surprise, but researchers have found that consuming a small dose of caffeine may help treat migraines. 

However, a 2019 study found that consuming caffeine regularly increased the risk of migraines. 

In particular, the Cleveland Clinic suggests limiting your daily caffeine consumption to between 150 and 200 milligrams.

Avoid Bright Lights 

Your headache can worsen when you expose yourself to bright light or loud noise. When you have a migraine, you should find a quiet place away from the commotion and pull the curtains over your eyes. It has the potential to hasten your recovery.

Manage Your Stress

The majority of people who suffer from migraines attribute their headaches to stress. It is also possible that it will start a cycle in which the pain of one migraine will worsen the tension, which would then bring on another migraine.

According to the American Headache Society, over eighty percent of persons who suffer from migraines say that stress is one of the factors that brings on their condition. 

It is possible that learning how to manage your stress better will help you reduce the number of migraines you have.

So, there are many options you have to get your migraine under control at home. If they fail to work, it is always a good idea to seek professional help and find a neurologist near you.