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6 Foods That Make Neuropathy Worse

6 Foods That Make Neuropathy Worse 

Neuropathy is a condition that, unfortunately, can last for a long time. It occurs when the nerves located outside the spinal cord and brain get damaged or compressed.

It is a widespread condition affecting around 20 million people in the United States.

Many different treatment options are available for neuropathy, such as adjustments to one’s way of life, which can help reduce or enhance the symptoms of neuropathy.

One lifestyle change that can help with neuropathy is changing your diet.

But it’s not enough to just eat healthily. There are certain foods that can worsen your neuropathy symptoms that you will want to steer clear of.

6 Foods That Make Neuropathy Worse


These days, more and more people are discovering they have gluten sensitivity, gluten allergy, or celiac disease. 

If you have neuropathy, you should consider reducing refined carbohydrates such as white bread, pasta, pizza, crackers, and other snacks. Recent studies have established a link between gluten sensitivity and nerve pain.

Gluten is found in all foods containing white, wheat, cake, or baking flour. Gluten is also present in some surprising goods, such as traditional soy sauce. Consequently, it is vital to read product labels and seek out gluten-free alternatives.

Consuming gluten when the body cannot digest it can exacerbate nerve inflammation in patients with peripheral neuropathy.

Refined Grains

A high glycemic index characterizes processed grains such as quick brown rice. That means that they will rapidly increase your blood sugar.

The most effective strategy to prevent peripheral and diabetic neuropathy is to control your blood sugar. Sugar in the blood can potentially contribute to peripheral neuropathy symptoms by triggering nerve damage.

To enhance the glycemic index of your diet, substitute all refined grains with whole grains.

Sugary Foods

People with diabetes may develop diabetic neuropathy rapidly if they consume sugar and artificial sweeteners. Diabetic neuropathy results from nerve damage caused by diabetes. Typically, nerves in the hands and feet are affected.

Individuals with diabetic neuropathy are especially sensitive to excessive blood sugar and nerve damage. Consuming foods with a significant level of added sugar may cause your blood sugar to rise, damaging your nerves and blood vessels.

You can satisfy your sweets cravings with fruit’s naturally occurring sugars or replacements like stevia and artificial sweeteners.

Salty Foods

Foods heavy in salts, such as potato chips, cold cuts, and frozen prepared meals, might be problematic for neuropathy patients because high sodium levels can impede blood flow, worsening symptoms.

Unhealthy Fats

Most fatty meats and high-fat dairy foods include unhealthy fats. When consumed in excess, these fats promote inflammation and increase the risk for type 2 diabetes, exacerbating peripheral neuropathy.

You can replace fatty sources of protein with leaner alternatives or grass-fed proteins. Consume a modest amount of heart-healthy polyunsaturated omega-3 fatty acid, monounsaturated fats like avocados, and medium-chain saturated fats like coconut oil.


As a neurotoxin, alcohol might potentially cause nerve injury. Even an otherwise healthy individual who drinks excessively might develop alcoholic neuropathy. Alcoholic neuropathy is characterized by numbness, discomfort, and tingling in the hands or feet.

When this occurs, a person’s peripheral nerves have been injured by alcohol exposure, rendering them incapable of transmitting impulses between the body, spinal cord, and brain. That can worsen pre-existing nerve issues.