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Dorchester Center, MA 02124

What is a TIA Stroke?

Can Diet Help Prevent A Stroke?

Most of us know that a healthy diet and a proper exercise routine are good for our overall health. Leading such a lifestyle can help us prevent many illnesses and diseases.

And of course, this includes preventing a stroke as well. But can diet help prevent a stroke?

On the other hand, how could an unhealthy lifestyle cause a stroke? Let’s discuss the link between diet and stroke below.

Can Diet Help Prevent A Stroke?

Yes, a healthy diet can help prevent a stroke from occurring. This includes consuming healthy foods, lots of water and sticking to healthy beverages. 

Stroke prevention can be improved by selecting healthier options for meals and snacks. Be sure to consume a diet rich in fresh fruits and vegetables.

But how are strokes and nutrition correlated? Let’s first explore the causes behind strokes.

What Causes Strokes?

Strokes are most commonly caused by blood clots that block blood and oxygen from flowing to the brain. The more rare cause are blood vessels that burst. 

These blood clots form over time in places where your arteries have been clogged, narrowed, or blocked by buildup of plaque. 

Two major risk factors for strokes are high blood pressure and high cholesterol. And these can both be moderated and even controlled by a healthy diet.

What Kind of Diet Helps Prevent Strokes?

Diets that are recommended emphasize eating an abundance of fresh fruits and vegetables (5 servings per day), as well as whole grains. Additionally, these diets are low in fat and high in fiber. So how does this help?

How do Certain Nutrients Prevent Strokes?

Foods high in fiber but low in cholesterol, saturated fat, and trans fat help reduce your risk of developing high cholesterol. 

Your blood pressure can also be lowered by reducing the amount of salt (sodium) you consume in your diet. Your risk of having a stroke increases when your cholesterol and blood pressure levels are high.

Be sure to consume any processed foods or items high in salt in moderation and steer clear of overindulging in them.

To reduce the risk of stroke, a healthy diet and maintaining a regular exercise routine are both essential.

Physical Exercise as Stroke Prevention

Weight loss and lowering your blood pressure are both benefits of exercise. Lower cholesterol levels, a healthy weight, and lower blood pressure all reduce the risk of having a stroke. 

In fact, compared to individuals who do not engage in physical activity, physically active men and women have a reduced risk of having a stroke between 25 and 30 percent lower.

Aerobic activity of moderate intensity, such as brisk walking or cycling, should be performed by most adults on a weekly basis for at least 150 minutes (2 hours and 30 minutes).

What Increases the Likelihood of Strokes?

On the other hand, the following factors can increase your likelihood of experiencing a stroke:

  • Consuming foods high in saturated and trans fat
  • Consuming processed foods or those with high sodium content 
  • Regularly drinking alcoholic beverages

Your risk is significantly increased if you consume more than two alcoholic beverages per day. Consuming an excessive amount of alcohol can increase the risk of developing high blood pressure as well as an abnormal heartbeat known as atrial fibrillation. Both of these factors contribute to an increased risk of stroke.