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can fever cause a stroke

Can Fever Cause a Stroke?

Fever can be a sign of many medical conditions. When you get a fever, it means something out of the ordinary is happening to your body. 

But for a fever to cause a stroke is not something many of us expect. But it is a concern some people do have. So, is there reason to be concerned about this? Can a fever cause a stroke? 

Below we’ll give you an overview of the relationship between fevers and strokes so you know what to expect.

Can Fever Cause a Stroke?

A very high fever can cause seizures or other urgent medical problems. However, it is very rare and unusual for a high fever to cause a stroke.

That said, there is a relationship between fevers and strokes. Particularly heatstrokes. 


One type of stroke, known as a heatstroke, occurs when your body overheats. In the worst cases, a heatstroke can happen if your body temperature rises to 104° F, 40° C, or higher. 

Heatstroke commonly occurs during the summer season when there is very hot weather. This rare occurrence is one to be on the lookout for when the temperature rises higher than usual. 

But the important thing to understand here is this: a high fever is a symptom of a heatstroke, not the cause of a stroke.

Causes and Symptoms of Heatstrokes

A common cause of heatstrokes is overdoing it on a hot day. For example, working outside when the temperature is very high – and you don’t have a fan or air conditioning – can be bad for you. Not drinking enough fluids can also put you at risk of having a heatstroke on a hot day. 

Here are some common symptoms of heatstroke:

  • Heavy sweating
  • High body temperature (103 degrees F or higher)
  • Confusion
  • Headache
  • Passing out or losing consciousness
  • Irregular, fast and strong pulse
  • Hot, red, damp or dry skin
  • Dizziness

If you have a heatstroke, it is vital to get treatment as soon as possible. Leaving your heatstroke untreated can cause sudden damage to your brain, heart, kidneys, and muscles. 

A heatstroke is a full on medical emergency so, when you start to feel any of the symptoms, call 911 right away.

If you suspect that someone is having a heatstroke, here are some things you can do to help save their life:

  • Call 911 right away
  • While you wait for the ambulance, move the person to a cooler place
  • Lower their body temperature by using cool cloth or a cool bath
  • Give them room to breathe
  • Do not give them anything to drink

The longer you leave someone who has a heatstroke unattended and untreated, their health will get worse and worse. And heatstroke can put you at risk of death. 

Fever After a Stroke

When someone who had a stroke develops a fever afterwards, it is a sign of concern. It could be due to an infection in the body. It could also be in response to the inflammation of the brain.

Fever after a stroke is something that can delay recovery and can make things worse for the patient. It is important to ID the cause of the fever and get treatment from a neurologist or other doctor as soon as possible.