Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Impacted wisdom teeth, often just shortened to wisdom teeth, are the last of our adult teeth to sprout or break through the gums. These teeth usually emerge between the ages of 17 and 25.
Because wisdom teeth are the last to erupt, there is usually no longer enough room in the mouth for them to emerge or develop. This can result in a very painful experience when they start to grow in.
It can cause dental complications, cysts, gum disease, and more. But can wisdom teeth cause migraines?
The short answer is that, most of the time, wisdom teeth don’t cause migraines. But let’s take a little closer look at the link between wisdom teeth and migraines.
The growth of wisdom teeth will not cause headaches or will not directly be the cause of your headaches and migraines.
However, it is still possible to experience migraines while you are in the stage of your wisdom teeth growing in. So never count out experiencing unexpected symptoms during the growth of your wisdom teeth.
It is normal to experience pain and discomfort during your wisdom teeth sprout. And due to that pain, you may experience both physical and mental stress.
If you are experiencing high levels of stress, that can contribute to headaches or migraines. In this case, the growth of your wisdom tooth does not directly cause migraines. But rather, by putting you under mental duress, your wisdom teeth can indirectly contribute to them.
During the process when the wisdom teeth are growing in, there may be some changes in how you use your mouth and jaw. For example, you may have to change the way you eat.
Because you changed how you chew your food, you will try to avoid chewing using that affected part of the jaw. That is because it is painful to chew in there.
And chewing on the other parts of your mouth may cause muscle strains. And this may cause conditions such as temporomandibular joint disorder, also known as TMJ disorder.
This may add up on top of the pain and discomfort that you are already experiencing due to your wisdom tooth sprout. Once again, more pain may cause additional stress, which can trigger further migraines and headaches.
TMJ disorder can cause migraines. But how exactly do you treat migraines caused by the growth of wisdom teeth?
You can try taking painkiller medications such as NSAIDs for pain relief. However, these medications are only temporary solutions to the problem.
Taking aspirin is also a solution to headaches caused by many conditions and ailments, even those caused by wisdom tooth sprouts. But home remedies may be enough to solve the problem.
A simple hot and cold therapy on the area or jaw where the wisdom tooth sprouted. Cold therapy can reduce the pain, inflammation, and swelling, and hot therapy can loosen the tight muscles and improve the blood flow in the affected area.
Lastly, gargling with salt water can help you ease the pain brought by wisdom tooth growth. It also cleanses the whole mouth from bacteria, promoting healthy gums.
These solutions may help, but it is also important to consult your dentist and oral surgeon to see whether you will need surgery to remove your wisdom teeth. Wisdom teeth could potentially cause long-term damage if, for instance, your mouth is too small. Always consult your medical care providers for personalized care and treatment options.