Parkinson’s disease is a neurological disease that is not yet curable. As of today, only the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease can be treated.  What causes Parkinson’s disease varies from patient to patient. However, certain risk factors seem to play significant roles in the development of this progressive neurological condition.  Usually, people with Parkinson’s disease are…

Do you suffer from migraines? If so, you know they are not the same as headaches. Migraine sufferers often experience nausea, dizziness, fatigue, and increased sensitivity to sounds, lights, or smells. These symptoms can be debilitating. Therefore, knowing how to treat a migraine at home is crucial.  There are non-pharmaceutical methods that can be effective…

It can be a bit confusing to distinguish between psychology and neurology. This is because these “ologies” deal with matters concerning the brain.  However, with this quick tip, it should not be easy to tell one from the other. Remember this: neurology mainly deals with the nervous system and medical conditions that affect it. On…

Aspirin is a common medication that many use to reduce fevers and minor aches and pains. In addition, it is utilized by some as an anti-inflammatory agent or a blood thinner. This medicine is readily available to the general public without needing a physician’s prescription, commonly called over-the-counter.  Typical applications are to relieve headache pain,…

Most of us know that a healthy diet and a proper exercise routine are good for our overall health. Leading such a lifestyle can help us prevent many illnesses and diseases. And of course, this includes preventing a stroke as well. But can diet help prevent a stroke? On the other hand, how could an…